Five tips to help you apply the Bible to teens
As youth leaders, we have the immense privilege of proclaiming and applying the Word of God to teenagers, in one of the most formative phases of their entire life. Here are some thoughts to help direct us as we work hard on application in our teaching.
Who Do You Think Knows God The Best?
“If Christianity was illegal, and you were charged with being a believer, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”.
When We Say, “Discipleship”, They Hear, “Programs”
Because of the values of our culture, it is no surprise that when we say, “Discipleship”, they hear, “Programs”. This is what our parents have been enculturated to expect, and it is what we have been enculturated to provide.
Speaking up for Children at Church
Do children get to speak at your church’s AGM or parish council meetings? How much of a voice did the youngest at your church have the last time that a vision was a cast, a strategic plan developed, or a new ministry initiative launched?
Ministry Basics: Attendance & Permission
Take a moment to pause and check that your ministry admin is in good shape for the year. There’s a whole lot of information that needs to be collected from parents and leaders of the ministry – so how do you effectively keep track of what needs to be collected, and how often?
Discipling youth through identity struggles
How might the concept of Identity Moratorium impact on the way you disciple young people going through identity formation?
When we forget the heart in teaching the Bible
Ensuring to not miss out on the heart when preparing to teach the bible.
Leader or Friend
Both friendship and leadership are essential characteristics and concepts that we ought to hold dearly. However, taking one without the other can lead to an imbalance in our practice.
How to get to know a young person with disability
Tips that may help in your ministry context as you get to know the young people with disability in your ministries and welcome them as people invited into God’s Kingdom.
Keeping it real in SRE
Helping young people see that SRE is not like other subjects at school. It’s about a God who is very real and wonderfully good. A God we can not only learn about but be in right relationship with, because of Jesus.
Seven ways to keep your SRE lessons engaging
Practical steps to make your SRE lessons engaging and keeping your kids focused.
Discipling towards a better culture of smart phone use
As youth leaders, our calling is to teach and model to young people how to navigate life as a disciple of Jesus— and now this includes discipling them toward a better culture of smart phone use.
Church and U2 concerts: exploring what ‘family’ means for the local church
How well do you know the other members of your church? Do you feel that you belong at church? Is it an essential community for you? So much so, that it is difficult to imagine spending a weekend without seeing other congregation members.
Youth Ministry and an ‘Old People’s Home for Teenagers’
What could your church do to foster intergenerational relationships and help young people thrive and flourish in faith?
Intergenerational Church from the Child’s Perspective
What does intergenerational ministry look like from the child’s perspective?
Sword of the Spirit Drills for Children, Youth and Leaders
A drill you could use to teach children, youth, leaders and parents to handle the Bible well.
Preparing and Delivering an SRE Lesson (Module 3 Refresher)
A refresher of the Module 3 training, Preparing and Delivering a Lesson (Primary).
Equipping Youth with Biblical Ethics – Al James talks to Mike Snowdon
Al James talks to Mike Snowdon about his new book A New Freedom: How God’s Word Equips You for Life.
Rosters and Missing Church
How many weeks a year can I ask parents and other adults of my church to join the children’s ministry roster?
Teaching High School Special Needs SRE
Hear Linda’s encouraging story of teaching SRE to a high school special needs class.