Every year at the Port Hacking campsites, churches and schools bring young people to hear about Jesus and be discipled in their faith.
You can enhance lifelong journeys of faith by helping to provide the safe, welcoming and accessible spaces they need.
Help nurture young people in their journey with Christ by updating campsites where they can grow
“It would be impossible to count the young lives that have been transformed for Christ in this environment. And it goes on! You can be part of a work for God that has consequence now … and into eternity.”
– CAMPAIGN PATRON, The Right Reverend Harry Goodhew, Archbishop of Sydney, 1993-2001
For decades, Youthworks has provided Christian outdoor education and conferences for tens of thousands of young people at the beautiful Port Hacking campsites … kickstarting and enhancing countless lifelong journeys with Christ.
Sharing God’s love and orienting young people towards Jesus Christ remains at the heart of the camping ministry today.
But the facilities critical to this ministry are ageing.
They need urgent updating to comply with modern health, safety, and accessibility standards.
Your support today to update these campsites will help orient more children and young people to a life in Jesus Christ.
The story so far …
But now your help is urgently needed to complete the upgrades at Deer Park and renew and expand heritage-listed Chaldercot for a new generation ... so that more young people than ever before can come to a camp.
Your gift today will enable more young people than ever before to come to a camp and help set the stage to encourage young people in their lifelong journeys with Christ.
And your support can free up much-needed resources for wider work serving children and youth and supporting the ministries of local churches.
In 2019, thanks to friend like you, work began on upgrading the Port Hacking campsites:
At Telford, all bedrooms and bathrooms were refurbished and much of the old timber building was restored.
Further renewal work happened at Rathane and Deer Park during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Where lifelong journeys to become complete in Christ begin.
“Many children and youth have had their eyes opened to God for the first time on camp and have told us that they made a decision there and then to follow Christ. More have returned to their schools and churches strengthened in their faith”.
– Canon Craig Roberts, Youthworks CEO
The Complete in Christ Campaign is an opportunity to revitalise a long-held gospel vision for the young people of today.
‘Complete in Christ’ was the Camp Howard motto that began the Port Hacking camping ministry almost 70 years ago.
Your tax-deductible gift today to help build the Complete in Christ Capital Fund will help this vision and vital work continue.
There’s more work to do!
Help meet the total campaign goal of $2.12 million to provide the safe spaces that are urgently needed.
The Complete in Christ campaign is a significant opportunity for you to help support the camping ministry.
Your generosity will help future-proof all four Port Hacking campsites so new generations can be oriented to life with Christ in safe, welcoming, and accessible environments – for decades to come.
Thank you for investing today towards the completion of the Deer Park upgrade and the work soon to commence at Chaldercot.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6
My Gift to Youthworks’ Capital Fund
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Physical address: Level 1 263 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000
Postal address: PO Box A287 Sydney South NSW 1235
Anglican Youthworks is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
Donations of $2 or more may be tax deductible / ABN 96 398 231 605
© Copyright 2023 Youthworks